Blue BI presented at the BD&BA Observatory conference



Blue BI attended the conference “Data Culture & Generative AI: towards a new Data Experience ” of the Big Data & Business Analytics Observatory.

The context

By 2022 more and more companies had achieved “data-informed” reality status, but it was still evident that only a minority of them had developed a data strategy. Most companies, in fact, had not yet undertaken a change in management culture. For this reason, the desire has emerged to promote a culture of data at all levels of the organization, with the aim of raising business awareness and integrating new skills. Research in 2023 has seen growth in this direction, but the potential is still enormous.

The issues addressed

The conference was an opportunity to present the results of Big Data & Business Analytics Observatory Research 2023 and to address the following topics:

  • The value of the market Data Management & Analytics in Italy and the areas of expenditure of greatest interest
  • The positioning of large organizations in the field of Data Strategy and the number of Italian companies that are experimenting or have projects already active in the field of Advanced Analytics
  • What is the strategy of Italian companies in the field of Business Intelligence
  • Italian companies’ approachto Data Strategy and their level of maturity in this field.

The active participation of Blue BI

Blue BI actively participated in the conference: Marco Sartori presented “Beyond words: Sentiment Analysis in the digital context“. The theme was the Sentiment Analysis and thanks to Marco, we answered the following questions:

  • What is Sentiment Analysis?
  • What are its advantages?
  • What is the role of AI in this area?
  • What are the use cases where Blue BI has applied Sentiment Analysis?

Table of Contents