Blue BI renews its support for the Maria Letizia Verga Committee

Comitato Maria Letizia Verga Blue BI


Blue BI has decided to renew its support for the Maria Letizia Verga Committee again this year.

Active for 45 years, the Association was born from the union of parents, doctors, healthcare workers, volunteers, associations, institutions, and companies that collaborate every day to offer a better quality of life to children and young people affected by onco-hematological diseases and high-complexity therapeutic metabolic and genetic diseases.

The Association’s goal, starting from the moment of diagnosis, is to never leave parents and children alone but to accompany and support them throughout their journey.

As Blue BI, we actively support the Maria Letizia Verga Committee and, again this year, we have decided to participate in the 2024 Milan Marathon, organized to support the Sport Therapy project. This project aims to demonstrate that consistent and personalized training, carried out from the beginning of antitumor treatment, can improve the efficiency of vital organs and resilience in children and young people affected by onco-hematological diseases.


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