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Business Intelligence Solutions for Digital Strategy

The digital revolution is underway and it is therefore imperative for companies to take advantage of digital options by developing a Digital Strategy for the differentiation and competitiveness of companies.

Increasing the economic benefits of digital technologies is of utmost importance today and only with a detailed plan covering the different business segments can it be brought to the levels needed to compete in an increasingly digital market, global and interconnected.

In determining the best technology strategy to meet the digital ambitions of the business, the role that data and in general the information assets of companies have is crucial. Blue BI implements Business Intelligence solutions for Digital Strategy by integrating different data sources, reporting data from different business departments and presenting them with modern visual solutions, user-friendly and usable in decision-making and strategy-making processes.

Comprehensive, simple and meaningful analysis

dati frammentari e disomogenei We take the huge amount of fragmentary We take the huge amount of fragmentary and uneven data from external sources, we make them meaningful by integrating them with other information both intra and extra business (CRM, sales, budgeting & planning, market research, etc.) and we make sure that they are easily accessible according to the roles and objectives of the people for whom they are intended.

In this way, we transform raw and broken data into useful information in real time to adapt and reorganize the activities and processes of the company’s Digital Strategy.

business intelligence marketing solutions


Blue BI solutions for Marketing can be developed with different technologies:

They can be integrated with:

Blue BI integrations for digital strategy

Geo Analytics

The integration of Geo Analytics tools allows geospatial analyzes and detailed territorial reports, integrating territorial data with company data, for an intuitive vision of the progress of digital strategies in relation to the territory. The combination of data superimposed on the territorial map can be used as a navigation and analysis dashboard to make “location related” decisions.


Possibility of integrating the analyzes in web applications of the company intranet or on the institutional website, so as to make automatically updated data available .

Custom applications per user

Possibility to modify the analysis processes in complete autonomy and safety , in an environment separate from the certified versions.

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