How a chatbot can help the fashion industry!



What is happening in the fashion industry?

The fashion sector, to date, is in the midst of the Digital Transformation: always cutting-edge technologies, continuous innovation, taylor-made performance and data-based solutions, but above all the desire to improve and make everyday operations more efficient. We can talk about fashion 4.0.

For this reason, all the actors involved in this chain, for different purposes and reasons, could adopt in their team a chatbot indeed, our chatbot Kayla!

Kayla is a Digital Marketing Specialist, an expert in Marketing who knows the Business in detail and helps increase the engagement and the User Experience of customers who browse the company’s website. It also supports the Digital Marketing environment by increasing customer experience and accelerating lead generation.

As well known, a satisfied customer, is a loyal customer.


How is the potential of chatbots in the fashion industry being exploited?

Below there are two examples of different uses according to the type of interlocutor involved.

Fashion agency

Kayla, our virtual colleague, could have two different tasks: supplier side (fashion house) and customer side (aspiring models):

  • Supplier side: facilitate brands and fashion houses (who search for models) in the search, on the website, of candidates who have certain requirements (search by filters). On the site there is a portfolio models.
  • Customer side: facilitate the process of registration and engagement of aspiring models through immediate access to the application form.


Kayla is therefore a versatile virtual assistant that represents a fundamental support in the main tasks as well as in the corporate digitization process.

Fashion house

In general, in the world of fashion many well-known brands (both fast fashion and haute couture), for different purposes, have integrated a chatbot into their services.

The goal, although the market segment may be different, is always the same: to improve the customer experience of its consumers.

Here are two examples:

  • Tommy Hilfiger: initially, the chatbot was used as a fashion consultant to provide users with fashion advice or involve them in behind the scenes performances. Later, it took on a more operational role: supporting users in the consultation of a new collection through several questions to the user. Based on the answers then, the chatbot suggested the garments best suited to the style of the customer. So we talk about a fashion experience guided and smart!
  • H&M: the chatbot is used as a real personal stylist that suggests users a whole outfit. The user enters the e-commerce section and, by naming a simple item of clothing, the chatbot will create a complete look.


Blue BI, focused on data and operating in the fashion industry, believes in the potential of this tool and recommends its use especially to facilitate and speed up daily business operations.

We can provide targeted advice and then create a fully customized BBI X CHATBOT solution.

Our chatbot can be integrated with ChatGPT and this means that, during the purchase process for example, users will receive answers to all their curiosity… or almost. Surely the Generative AI represents a further progress for the sector as well as a tool to be exploited in all its potential.

We realize Business Intelligence & Advanced Analytics solutions to transform simple data into information of freat strategic value.


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