Virtual Reality & Fashion: how to make the most of this technology?



Fashion, in Italy as well as in the world, is a fundamental sector. 

Not only ethically because it gives people the opportunity to express themselves freely, but also and above all economically.

It represents the third largest and most profitable Italian sector.

This important role must of course also be supported and driven by technology and innovation. Without it, there would be no progress.
The Digital Transformation requires a continuous change and adaptation of the technological tools in use as well as the ability to welcome the new assiduously.

So I introduce the concept of Virtual Reality.

What is VR "Virtual Reality"?

Simplifying, Virtual Reality foresees the use of glasses (visors) that allow you to explore a totally virtual fantasy world.

Virtual Reality (VR) is indeed a technology that replaces the environment of the real world with a fully virtual.

Science fiction? Magic? Video game?

No, it’s an overwhelming and innovative technology that, together with Augmented Reality (AR), is the must of Digital Transformation in recent years.

AR & VR: what is the difference between virtual and augmented reality?

Augmented Reality (AR – Augmented Reality) is the technology that, through the use of digital devices, provides users with an interactive experience in the real environment in which images and information are projected that contribute to improve the surrounding reality.


What does Mixed Reality mean?

Mixed Reality (MR) is the set of technologies and experiences that combine the physical world with the virtual one generating a hybrid environment in which you can live immersive and engaging experiences. The concept of Mixed Reality (MR) stands between Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR).

Blue BI Mixed Reality solution

Blue BI created the BBI x Mixed Reality solution for this purpose. Specifically, given the presence of our company in the Fashion sector, we thought of a specific, performing and innovative solution for this sector: NEXT LEVEL SHOWROOM.

What is it about? It is an innovative solution for the Fashion sector, which radically changes the way of preparing and experiencing the Showroom event, both for the company and for the buyers involved, offering a totally new shopping experience.

How does this happen? Neural networks allow you to recognize similar products quickly and efficiently and the viewer, consequently, promotes a hand-free interaction experience for buyers in the choice of items.

Artificial Intelligence and Business Intelligence

The algorithm of AI recognizes the product you are looking at and, thanks to the training previously done, it associates the “n” products more similar to it in a few thousandths of a second.

The viewer allows viewing the output in the form of a report navigable by buyers, allowing you to save in your list the products to be ordered.

The ultimate goal is to collect all the data you get and turn it into valuable and strategic information.

In fact, the Business Intelligence associated with Virtual Reality, allows the obtaining of dashboards and customized reports that help stakeholders in the supply chain in multiple purposes.

An example? The revenue from a single product (for example, a pair of shoes) in the current year and in the previous year, in the form of number, graph and as much as preferable by users.

In short, we could say that the interactive showroom experience is the new frontier of the fashion industry.

Are you a fashion company?

Call us for targeted advice and the creation of overwhelming Use Cases!

We will help you not only to create a customized virtual environment but above all to “live” actively this virtual environment.

We realize Business Intelligence & Advanced Analytics solutions to transform simple data into information of freat strategic value.


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